Thursday, March 13, 2014

DPR Korea - (1992) Birds of Korea


작은찌르러기: Daurian Starling
80전: 80 Chon 

Text before "JAPAN": Unknown
The Korean characters in the top left of the stamp itself are: 작은찌르러기
I think this means "Daurian Starling," name of a bird. (See below).

However, it is confusing and one might think the Korean characters on this stamp are not spelled correctly, as the common name of another bird is "White-cheeked Starling" if we omit the "작은" and replace the "러" with a "레." It is common in Korea that many animals which are not common to that nation will simply be called "big" and "작은, " meaning, "small," instead of having a distinctive name.

Amidst all the Korean characters confusion, we have the Latin word for this animal.
Upon searching for that, I am quite sure (but not positive) the bird in question is the "Daurian Starling," commonly found in North Korea.  More, but not much more here:

Quality: CTO

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